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Marche pour la fermeture des abattoirs à Liverpool

This year, the march of Liverpool will take place Saturday, August 11, 2018 - 13:00 to 16:00

Place and hour of appointement: still unknown at 13h00

Facebook event


It's time to claim loud and clear the abolition of slavery of all the animals, the abolition of the practices which cause them the biggest wrongs: their breeding, their fishing and their slaughter.

Every year in the world, 60 billion land animals and more than 1000 billion aquatic animals are killed without necessity, which means that 164 million land animals and more than 2,74 billion aquatic animals are killed every day.

Will you join us in demanding all slaughterhouses in Liverpool and rest of UK/Worldwide shut down.

All march details to be posted at a later date (Facebook).

The march is organized by Liverpool MTCAS et Liverpool Pig Save.

For more information contact us:

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